Overcoming Ruts
New Paintings

Overcoming Ruts

Do you ever feel like you are stuck? Like you are in a rut and nothing is ever going to change? Arches National Park in Moab, Utah was the inspiration for this latest painting in our watercolor greeting card selections. This rugged rock feature is aptly named “Keyhole Arch”. Scrambling up and standing in the key hole, four of us fit across easily and looked very small in the gaping hole.

In the foreground is our 1972 restored Ford Bronco, a favorite pastime of my husband. He lovingly fixes the broken parts and upgrades the parts that can be improved. When we first got the Bronco, it had a stock suspension that was worn out. It was such a rough ride that at the end of the trail we felt like we had been beat up! Similarly in our lives we can feel like that, like we are stuck in this hard place in life… We wonder if we can ever become more than what we are… Like the old Bronco, we think we are always destined to a bumpy ride in life.

Oh The Ruts!

In response, my husband installed a new Cage suspension for the old Bronco and what an improvement it made! Let’s take a look at the patterns of thinking we have made in our lives. Like deep ruts, these thought patterns channel our path down alternately rough or smooth roads.

Scientists tell us that the neurons in our brains lay down connections. Like roads, thoughts that are often traveled develop stronger connections. These thoughts become deep ruts that our brains automatically default to. In the article “Happy Brain, Happy Life” in Psychology Today it states, “Your frontal lobe, particularly your prefrontal cortex, decides what is important according to the amount of attention you pay to something and how you feel about it. Thus, the more you focus on negativity, the more synapses and neurons your brain will create that support your negative thought process.”

Make sure your ruts are ones you want to spend time in! If they are not, see below for ways you can change them for a more pleasant ride. Not surprisingly with that new suspension, we had a grand time exploring the off-road trails in Arches National Park and Canyon Lands near Moab, Utah. Have fun as you explore new avenues in your life.

Getting Out of a Bad Rut

Obviously, it is a worthwhile endeavor to get out of a negative rut. Here are some suggestions:

  • Cut off the negative input: news outlets, talk shows, and articles that dwell on negative content. Avoid media that is always harping on the bad that the other side is doing. This applies to both sides of the political spectrum!
  • Fill your mind with good things: “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philipians 4:8 Meditate on the Word of God. The word meditate comes from the idea of a cow chewing the cud. Take a verse and chew on it: think about what it means and how it applies to you.
  • Renew your mind: science and the Bible confirm that we can renew our mind. The definition of renew is to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world (negative thinking), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
  • Encouraging someone else is another way to get out of a deep, negative rut. Your spirit is lifted and energized when you focus on someone other than yourself. Send someone you know an encouraging greeting card. Tell them why you appreciate them.

Start on this new path today. Click “Create a Card” to create a custom greeting card from our selection of unique watercolor paintings. For more info on how to get started watch the how to video.